Mmmmmm... Robot Juice!
Hello World
Sometimes, I find myself feeling spread thin across the internet. There are the websites I maintain and the blogs that I publish content to. There are also the unintelligible comments I tend to leave scattered around.
Consider this an attempt to gather all of the pieces. Perhaps it will help to paint a better picture of who I am. My resume is available if you are interested. However, I can guarantee that it will already be out of date by the time you read it. Contact me directly for current information.
that I go by:- @nagmay - Mastodon
- gabrielm - BoingBoing
- gabrielmcgovern - gotoandplay
- gabrielm - lifehacker/gizmodo
- slash5-toaster - ebay
Featured Post: Breaking up with vendors
Monday, October 9, 2023, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM EDT
Slides: Breaking up with vendors [PDF]
We live in a modern world where vendors can provide your college with cloud-based, enterprise-level solutions. Why then, would anyone decide to build a new "application and registration" system from scratch?
Initially, this was not a project my small team wanted to take on. However, after several expensive false starts with vendors, we came to realize the truth: Sometimes the only way to keep something simple is to build it yourself.
In this 45 minute session, we'll take a tour through the entire development process. Together, we will look at what motivated us to tackle a...
Posted on 2023-10-09 | 0 comment(s)
@ work
- HEWEB24: UX research and testing on that ever-minimal EDU budget
- Red Stapler | UAD: UX research and testing on that ever-minimal EDU budget Melanie Lindahl — The University of Texas at Austin With minimal s...
- HEWEB24: Ma'am, miss, bruh.
- Ma'am, miss, bruh. Handling effective and inclusive communication across the generations There are four different and distinct generations in the...
- HEWEB24: The fourth decade of website deployments
- The fourth decade of website deployments Steve Persch — Pantheon In the 2020s, the fourth decade of website deployments, teams are recombinin...
- HEWEB24: What would Scooby do?
- What would Scooby do? Uncovering the real mysteries about your audiences to improve experience… and it starts with you. Some of us go to great l...
- HEWEB24: Digital governance in the era of AI
- Digital governance in the era of AI: All noise, very little signal Shelley Keith-Panulla — Cornell SC Johnson College of BusinessTim Senft — C...
- View more '@ work' »»
- There are total of 343 pages.
@ play
- DAC6 Deck Construction Guide
- I've built decks before and had to look up the span on overhang tables. Today I ran across the following document that lays it all out nicely. Though...
- John Day paddleboarding
- There is a 40 mile section of the John Day river that is perfect for paddleboarding (if the weather cooperates) This section travels through high des...
- The Oregon treasures quest
- Who doesn't love a good quest? Oregon senator Jeff Merkley is challenging people to explore a special location in each county of Oregon: The Orego...
- Bike camping
- Despite the rain in Portland, most of Oregon is dry desert. This beautiful landscape is worth visiting, but the temps can be extreme with very cold w...
- Aluminum engraving (with a diode)
- I have a running document for the optimal settings on my 20W Atomstack diode laser. It includes: wood, acrylic, fabric, glass, and even rock. However...
- View more '@ play' »»
- There are total of 219 pages.