Webvisions: Life at Cheezburger
Friday, May 21st, 2010
Scott Porad – CTO of the Cheezburger Network
It’s not about the cats, it’s about people.
15-20,000 pictures every day submitted. Try to launch a site a week.
How did we do it?
1) If you want to get more done, then do less – simple products, stick to one thing at a time – Swarm method.
Being busy != being productive.
2) Eschew long term plans, but keep long term vision.
There are good ideas and then there are ideas you care about.
Wow, the speaker is great. Who would have thought the the cheeseburger network had such focused, intelligent, charismatic and poetic leadership?
The Future: Web 3.0
The web is going where the world has always been.
“Red is not a color”
There are so many shades of red – each with it’s own emotion.
Know the essence of why your product strikes an emotional cord.