WV13: Your CSS is a Mess
Friday, May 24th, 2013
CSS is easy? CSS is messy! And as a project grows, it only gets messier. You find yourself throwing !important at everything or fighting with long selectors just to get a style to overrule another. This session looks at a few quick tips to help bring things under control.
Good examples of bad code.
- base (resets, etc.)
- layout (where major elements live, buckets, grid system)
- module (content pieces inside a layout element, repeatable design components – buttons, alerts)
- state
- themes
Naming conventions
- Stick to class selectors when ever possible.
- Use nesting .btn, .btn-large, .btn-small
- Or use .root-module–submodule
Decouple HTML from CSS
- Use child selectors
- Make the HTML predictable