HEWeb #AAI11: Modernize WordPress for a multi-developer, multi-environment workflow
Tuesday, October 10th, 2023
Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM EDT
Chris Gilligan – The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
WordPress has a ridiculously low point of entry, and that may be fine for a single developer or site owner who does everything from the Dashboard and Theme Customizer. But what if you have multiple developers and multiple environments? How do you develop and deploy new features, maintain software dependencies, and keep your sanity? There really is a better way: Bedrock from Roots.io, a professional WordPress project boilerplate.
- Pictures of cute dogs
- What happens if you break something?
- Or if a WordPress core update breaks something?
- They recently broke the classic editor block
- Local dev
- lando.dev, mamp, ide
- Source control
- Git
- Package management
- Composer, Roots.io
- Deployment
- Laravel envoy, travis, github actions