UAD8: Web Analytics: Shadows on the wall
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
David Anderson, University of Buffalo
He starts with a little back history and then jumps into showing an example of Webalizer. But his internet connection was not working.
Current the program he uses is Mach 5 FastStats – it took them about 4hours to churn over a year of data. Plus it has some cool extras.
- Hypertext tree view.
- Cool feature – shows entry and exit points in a visual way.
- Lets you easily walk down the hierarchy.
- Tracked files.
- Scenario analysis.
- Open source click tracker.
- Very lightweight.
- Need php5 on server (with GD) – extra JavaScript on pages.
- Output looks very similar to a product we demoed.
Interesting findings:
- People will click on things that are not really links (maybe they should be made in into in links).
- Google analytics is really for commerce. It it useful to others, but sometimes hard to use all the features:
- Goals can be used to see how people navigate an orientation.
- Rather then a shopping cart, our goals can be registration or admissions.