More Bread (King Arthur Style)
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007
Looking at the beautiful graphics on a bag of whole-wheat flour, I suddenly became inspired to make some more bread. This time, rather then the simple dollar recipe, I loosely followed some directions posted on the back the brown “King Arthur Flour” bag:
The ingredients on the bag:
- 3 1/2 cups King Arthur Flour (kicks your flour’s ass!)
- 1 packet instant dry yeast dissolved in h2o
- 1 1/3 cups warm water
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup honey, or molasses (I used a combination)
- 1/4 dried milk
- 1 1/4 tsb salt
I decided to double the recipe. In addition, I also added:
- Some sun-dried tomatoes
- A heck of a lot (’bout a cup) of fresh rosemary
Skipping the actual directions, I choose to…
Start by just mixing everything but the H20
Then mixing in the water, let it beat for a bit. Sprinkling extra flour on will cause the dough to “clump”. You can then plop the whole thing out on to a floured surface.
On the floured surface form it into a ball. Then transfer it to a covered bowl to rise for an hour. Afterward, beat it down, split the dough (remember that I doubled the ingredients above) and shape it into two logs. One for each oiled pan.
Cover it loosly with foil and let it rise for at least another hour in the pans. I find that placing it on the warming zone of the stove works well.
After an hour (or so), the dough will have risen above the pan. Turn the oven on to 350 degrees. After 20 minutes, cover the top with the foil to keep it from burning and let it bake for 20 more (a total of 40 minutes).
Carefully take a loaf out of the pan and thump the bottom. It should sound hollow. This signifies a firm crust and fluffy inside – just what we are looking for!
This bread is extremely easy. The use of whole-wheat makes it pretty and healthier, but I think that flavor and texture could use some help. Next time, I plan to make a half white/half wheat version.
darci Says:
I was reading the simple dollar post about homemade bread, read your comment, followed your link and read your post about your bread. Was wondering if you tried the 1/2 white, 1/2 wheat loaf? You should post if so :)
gabrielm Says:
Not yet, most of my cooking time has been holiday oriented lately. Cookies, fudge, and that sort of stuff. We even put together some half decent sugar-free Russian tea cakes for my partner’s diabetic father.
However, I did pick up some “King Arthur” white while at the market. I’ll whip up some half/half next week and let you know.
Thanks for reading!
» Bread (Getting even better) | gabriel mcgovern (dot com) Says:
[…] a reader named darci wrote to me: I was reading the simple dollar post about homemade bread, read […]
Mary French Says:
I thought it was suppose to be wheat bread, as the recipe just called for flour
I’m assuming it means white flour. also do you have a recipe for a dark bread
like pumpernickel?
Your response would be appreciated
gabrielm Says:
I do believe that the flour was whole wheat, but honestly it has been so long that I could be wrong. My favorite recipe now use half wheat / half white.
Pumpernickel is awesome bread, but I have not yet tried to make it at home. let me know it you give it a shot.