New phone

Saturday, December 22nd, 2007

touch.jpgMerry Channuka – Sam got me an iPhone!

This is the first of hopfully many entries from the new device. So far I am finding the on screen keyboard just a little hard to use, but not much. It is about the same size as the qwerty on my zuarus, but the lack of tactile feedback is slowing me down a bit. With time I am sure that I will adapt. Also, in safari, the wysiwyg interface on this blog was giving me a bit of trouble. However, in code mode – it works great.

And despite what I have heard, the wireless edge network is more then adequate for browsing, maps and youTube.

Flying cars be damned. THIS is the technology of the 21st century!

3 Responses to “New phone”

  1. mike jacobs Says:

    Holy cow you got one of those new fancy phones!! I know a guy who has one now as well, he is smarter, and the women still dig him. Maybe you can find out how to get my emails from to come up.

  2. gabrielm Says:

    I agree – this phone is amazing. My IQ has increased, my posture is improving and I am even beginning to smell better. This morning the phone made me breakfast in bed. Fresh squeezed orange juice and everything!

    … but seriously, about MSN email:

    According to this thread you may be SOL. Looks like MSN shafts you even if you upgrade to a premium account. They just don’t offer the pop/imap capability that you need.

    Some speculate that it may be coming. There are also some workaround hacks, but they look less then elegant.

    The best advice I can give is to dump MSN for a real email account. Gmail rocks and is simple to set up on the iPhone. I would even be willing to give you an address under one of my URL’s. How’s mike-jacobs at sound? ;) The only problem is that even it you create a gmail account, MSN won’t forward email from your old address without an upgrade to premium. Even so, I would consider writing Microsoft a dear john:

    “Dear MSN,
    It’s over. Our relationship just hasn’t been working for a while, and now, this is it. I’m leaving you for Gmail.”

  3. mike jacobs Says:

    i smell better as well, and it will take care of morning wood!!! Stupid msn, they can go to hell if they cant keep up with the phone of decade. G-mail here i come!!

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