Where’s the .EDU love?

Monday, January 14th, 2008

I almost wrote “Apple hates .EDU!”, or “Apple hates Education”. I really don’t believe that either is true, but both reflect a question that has been on my mind since I got my iPhone: “Why is there a .COM button, but no .EDU, .NET, .ORG or .GOV?”

iphone-review-keyboard-web1.jpgLet me explain

The iPhone is a marvel of usability interface design. For instance, the on-screen keyboard adjusts depending on the required type of input. When browsing the web you can either do a keyword search, or type the URL directly. In keyword mode, you are given a standard layout with a large, centered space bar. However, in URL mode, the space bar is replaced with three smaller keys: “.” “/” and “.com”.

What a great idea! URL’s should never require spaces and the TLD button saves 3 clicks. When deciding on which TLD to include, dot com was the obvious choice. It is easily the most commonly used domain (citation needed :) Just look at this site! How does gabrielmcgovern.com(mercial) make any sense?

So why am I complaining?

Well, because there is another little interface feature that should have made my issue a moot point. Since firmware version 1.1.1, you have been able to enter special characters by leaving your finger on certain keys. Go ahead and hold your finger down on any of the vowels. Or, check out this link for a fuzzy picture: mac rumors. Pretty handy when occasionally typing in Español.

You probably see where I am going

Handling other TLD’s like the special characters would level the playing field and make users lives easier. It’s a win-win.

The great thing about the on-screen keyboard, is that this functionality could be easily implemented in the next firmware upgrade. I’ll cross my fingers.

3 Responses to “Where’s the .EDU love?”

  1. » iPhone Software Update 1.1.3 | gabriel mcgovern (dot com) Says:

    […] no .edu button option – so […]

  2. Andy Says:

    I wonder if there are British localizations that have a .co.uk button, or the German version with a .de button.

  3. eblingmis@giz Says:

    done deal!

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