Georgia bigfoot?

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Loren Coleman of Cryptomundo writes about the Bigfoot body purported to be discovered in the woods in Northern Georgia. The guys who claim to have discovered it are holding a press conference in Palo Alto on Friday.

Well, it looks like the Cryptomundo servers have asploaded. Luckily, reader freshyill grabbed the image and asked that someone repost it. So, here it is in all it’s morbid glory.

Image of Georgia bigfoot?

Kinda looks like a dead wookie to me. Poor Chewbacca…

On second thought

does anyone remember the CSI where they found the gorilla that poachers had dumped from a plane?

3 Responses to “Georgia bigfoot?”

  1. fish Says:

    I’d eat it!!

  2. Gabriel McGovern Says:

    Fish – you’d eat that, but not those cookies I made with the rancid lard?

    On another note… this post got over 2000 unique visitors in 2 days, but you were the first one to leave a comment.

  3. fish Says:

    A dead unknown creature, who was found by some good old boys in the Georgia woods, then stuffed in a dirty freezer is safer to eat, than those WMD you called cookies!!! LOL

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