SNT2: The secret to turning student feedback into actionable insight on common student issues
Monday, October 14th, 2019
Presented by Angela CavaliereÂ
Have you ever taken the time to observe a student navigate through your institution’s web experience? We all know we are supposed to be doing this, but who has the time or resources? As education professionals, we often underestimate the complexity of the processes we develop and neglect students opinions and perspective.
Learn about how MCCC made the commitment to spend time focusing on usability. MCCC utilizes formal and informal user feedback processes to gather actionable insight into common student issues. Hear about the tools and methods used to collect student feedback and enhance existing processes by providing targeted guidance. Participate in demonstrations of the processes and products used in this work. Walk away with a few great tips and tricks to amp up your web usability and empower your students to have a voice.
- A fellow community college – yeah!
- Redesign incorporated over 250 students
- Make sure you tap into all types of students – not just the A+ students who are most likely to volunteer.
- Collaboration needs to be incorporated into everyday process.
- Bring students in whenever there are vendors.
- The offer 1 credit to 14(ish) students each term for testing.
- They are interviewed, accepted, and get a title/badge
- Seen as a resume builder
- In return, they attend 6 sessions, and fill out lots of online assignments (quizzes, etc)
- Prospective student feedback
- Make friends with the high schools
- Testing with 5 users can uncover 85% of an applications biggest usability issues…
- Tools:
- Optimal workshop
- Hot jar (heatmaps)
- Adobe XD
- Mopinion: Feedback service
- Take away: We should consider updating our feedback interface with the “my opinion” smiley! – and – take away required contact info.