Archive for the ‘twitter’ Category

Oh no, I have an infection! Oh no, I have an infection!

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Remember the spruce ale that I started at the end of November? Brew log Update About a week ago, I racked both carboys in preparation to bottle. However, the dry hopped version was still quite cloudy – so, it went into the fridge for a cold crash. Yesterday, I pulled it out of the fridge […]

WordPress Update

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

I just updated to WordPress 3 – took all of 3 seconds. Great work et al!

Ditching Dreamweaver. Is Aptana the answer? Ditching Dreamweaver. Is Aptana the answer?

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Anyone who follows me on twitter already know how I feel about Dreamweaver. It may be “the” IDE for web designers/developers, but it is plagued with issues that won’t go away. Each release adds new features, but none have fixed what I see as two overshadowing problems: 1) Lack of simple customization  2) Bugs, bugs, […]

Nagmay wedding Nagmay wedding

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Well this is embarrassing … I was going through the unpublished drafts on my blog and realized that I never posted anything about the wedding. Which happened last July! Sure, everyone who got an invitation knows about, but it still seems like I should have a reference here. + I just uploaded the official […]

TwitCategory – Updated to 0.1.9

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 Let us know if you like it! 2