Slide Show Interface

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

slideshow-icon1.jpgThe web team started getting requests to post pages of images. Maintaining photo galleries Flikr style seemed a bit odd for an education site. How usefully would a separate page of random images be for a prospective Mathematics student? However, I do understand that there are times where a single, static image is not enough. So I created a simple slide show interface.

The interface was created in Flash, and reads a simple XML file pointing to the images files and corresponding titles:
<slideNode jpegURL="location01.jpg">title1.jpg</slideNode>
<slideNode jpegURL="location01.jpg">title1.jpg</slideNode>

Here it is in action:


Go ahead and grab:

  • the SWF
  • or, the FLA
  • and here is a sample of the XML

Just let me know if you make any improvements.

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