LOL Conservatives

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

We Can Has?BoingBoing noted that the Young America’s Foundation is kindly giving away copies of its Conservative VIP poster.

Commenter Dave X said: I dub this design style–Unfunny Lolcat Modern.

Then Draconum gave “a very quick hackjob” as a response to Dave X / #3.

Well I had to give it a try!

Here are some others:

Just let me know if you want yours posted.

lol-conservatives.jpgAnd here is a blank for anyone who wants to play along:

Let me see what you can come up with!

12 Responses to “LOL Conservatives”

  1. HeyThereItsEric Says:

    Thanks for the blanks! you rock.

  2. HeyThereItsEric Says:

    My version: dooodz

  3. devoinregress Says:

  4. Anonymous Coward Says:

    And what is the ideal medium for such a thing? Right, an imageboard. Uploading and discussing images simply cannot get any easier than that.

  5. SAP Says:

    Thanks for the blank. I had fun with this.

  6. the micah Says:

    Weeeeee! It’s so easy, I’ll make 2!

  7. Doodle Bean Says:

    Thanks for the blank. It’s funny how those crazy young American’s made the poster perfect for manipulating.

    Anyway, here is mine.

  8. Doodle Bean Says:

    Oh, please post it, s’il vous plait! Sorry I forgot to say it earlier.

    Thanks again (and you can delete this comment)!

  9. gabrielm Says:

    No problem Doodle Bean.

    Anyone else???

  10. Dr Friendly Says:


  11. ivbsjosd Says:

    Very Nice…


  12. shelvelus Says:


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