SAC8: Press Release 2.0

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

News Releases in the Social Media Era
Matt Herzberger | Web Designer, Texas A&M University – College of Engineering

Not started yet, but his opening slide has (cc) on the bottom. I like this guy already. OK – here we go.

He shows the “old school” way of doing  things. Looks a lot like what we are doing now :(

  • He highly reccomends WordPress and so do I.
  • Social media press releases: a good templat for doing modern press releases.
  • Need to add links to digg, technorati, etc.

Make the news SEXY!

RSS – the plumbing that pulls it all together.

Your writers can be a problem if they are used to doing it the old-school way.

He leaves the comments open. Decreases barriers of entry. But, not everyone expect/knows that they have the ability to leave them. Make it obvious. I wonder if they have had any problems with racism, sexism and general internet asshats???

Getting images and multimedia can take a lot of work.

They use flip camcorders to grab video.

He shows a short video and then opens it up to comments. There are some really good comments.

4 Responses to “SAC8: Press Release 2.0”

  1. Matt Herzberger Says:

    Hey thanks for the write-up on my session. I’m all about the (CC). I feel like I really pitch WP a lot but I really love it. As far as comments I really haven’t had anything bad or weird so far. I mean some comment span since it is wordpress but that is it. And it is moderated. Hope you enjoyed it.

  2. Matt Herzberger Says:

    Someone just asked if I wanted to do a special interest group on on WordPress, if u want feel free to join in

  3. gabrielm Says:

    Crap! I completely missed the SIGs. One on WordPress would have been fun. If you can’t tell, I am a big Mullenweg fan []

  4. Jake Dolan Says:

    Matt’s presentation put that first in order of business to address with my news director. Presented the idea to him just a few minutes ago and he is definitely excited.

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