Breaking up with vendors
Monday, October 9th, 2023

Monday, October 9, 2023, 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM EDT
Slides: Breaking up with vendors [PDF]
We live in a modern world where vendors can provide your college with cloud-based, enterprise-level solutions. Why then, would anyone decide to build a new “application and registration” system from scratch?
Initially, this was not a project my small team wanted to take on. However, after several expensive false starts with vendors, we came to realize the truth: Sometimes the only way to keep something simple is to build it yourself.
In this 45 minute session, we’ll take a tour through the entire development process. Together, we will look at what motivated us to tackle a project like this. We’ll discuss how we assembled the necessary teams and resources. We’ll also examine how difficult it can be to maintain a focus on usability and simplicity. Finally, we will discuss the risks and challenges of undertaking such a complex endeavor.